What is Virgo’s worst nightmare at work?

What is Virgo’s worst nightmare at work?

If your favorite coworker is a Virgo, we highly recommend reading this article. Here’s what drives Virgos crazy, when it comes to work. And not in a good way.

On the heart side, there are these little things that are real turn-offs for Virgo as for the other signs. At work, it’s the same thing. Each sign has its preferences, its requirements. And Virgo, who likes everything to be square, has (really) a lot of them. So if you want to work with her in good intelligence and in a pleasant understanding, we advise you not to push her too far. To give you an idea, we present the temperament of Virgos, at work, and above all: what you should absolutely not do with them.

Read also >> Astrological compatibility at work: this detail that never deceives

What is the character of the Virgin, at work?

The sign of Virgo is discreet by nature. Natives of this Earth sign can be quite expansive in private. But at work, they most often seek to fit in. Already, because this particularly hard-working sign of the new school year makes it clear to you from the first introductions: he is there to work, not to make friends. A bit of a killjoy, Virgo? No, simply very particular about the boundaries between professional and private life. For her, schedules are schedules, protocols are protocols, and colleagues are colleagues above all. Except for rare exceptions. On the other hand, you can count on her to lend a helping hand in all circumstances. Helpful, the…

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