This article can be found in our collector Charles Leclerc. 100 pages retracing the career of the Monegasque pilot, from his childhood to his successes with Ferrari, available in our online store in paper format or digital format.
Do you remember the first time you have heard of Charles Leclerc?
It was through Jules (Bianchi) and his father (Philippe), in 2011. Philippe came to see me to tell me that the son of his great friend Hervé was walking hard in Kart, and that I should probably throw away A glance, even if I was already investing a lot with Jules. At first, more polite than anything else, I agreed to meet him. Jules also asked me on the subject, telling me that the grandson of his best friend Lorenzo was very good. Hervé, Charles's dad, then contacted me. During our interview where Charles joined, they explained their situation to me, that they no longer really had the budget to continue, that the family had already made many sacrifices for Charles, that they had already had to Put the career of Arthur (Charles grandson) aside because they were impossible for them to lead the two projects head-on. The dad, who was very