POLITICS / The Hautes-Alpes MP will testify this Wednesday on risk management after the bad weather that the Hautes-Alpes Department experienced in 2023 and 2024
Valérie Rossi in Slovenia for the 80th Alpine Convention. The deputy for the second constituency of Hautes-Alpes is the only French parliamentarian to be present. She is alongside the French ambassador to Slovenia, Florence Lévy.
Founded in 1991, the Alpine Convention is a unique international treaty which aims to “address the common challenges facing the Alpine region” specifies the parliamentarian. An area which is populated by 15 million people and which is home to more than 30,000 animals and 13,000 species of plants.
Valérie Rossi who will take the floor this Wednesday to testify on risk management after the bad weather that the Hautes-Alpes Department experienced in 2023 and 2024. She “ will highlight the specific challenges of the French Alps, in particular the impact of climate change on mountain areas and the need for joint action to preserve these fragile spaces.
Note that the 2025 edition will see the handover between the Slovenian presidency and the Italian presidency which will last for two years.
A. Vallauri