The moving confidences of Lewis Hamilton

Seven-time Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton recently opened up about his personal struggles with mental health.

Although he is today one of the most successful drivers in Formula 1, Lewis Hamilton revealed that he went through dark periods, very dark ones, particularly during his youth.

As a child, Hamilton faced verbal abuse and racism because of his skin color. These experiences left deep marks on his mental health.

“When I was in my twenties, I went through some really tough phases. I struggled with mental health issues throughout my life” explains the Mercedes driver in an interview with Sunday Times.

According to Hamilton, these problems began at the age of 13, a time when he was already facing immense pressure from racing and academic difficulties. He also speaks of a feeling of isolation, emphasizing that he had no one to confide in at that time.

Awareness during the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 gave Lewis Hamilton an unexpected break from his racing career. This moment of forced calm allowed him to reflect on his life and better understand his emotions. It was during this time that he discovered meditation, a tool that helped him reconnect with himself.

“At first, I had difficulty calming my mindhe explains. But meditation allowed me to better understand my feelings and think about what I could do to improve my life.”

Hamilton used this period to better manage his stress and find a certain inner balance, an approach which helped him better cope with the challenges of daily life.

Seeking therapeutic support

Despite his personal efforts, Lewis Hamilton admits he would like to have professional help to continue his journey towards mental well-being.

“I talked to a therapist years ago, but it didn’t really help mehe confides. Today I would like to find someone more suited to my needs.”

This quest for support shows that Hamilton is aware of the importance of taking care of his mental health, even though he has already accomplished a lot on a personal level.

A call for social media reform

In 2022, Lewis Hamilton had already taken a position on the issue of mental health, in particular by denouncing abuse on social networks. Victim of online harassment, the Mercedes driver called for stricter reforms to put an end to virtual abuse.

“Mental health is a real issue on these platforms. People are being subjected to abuse that no one deserves. These companies need to make changes, but they can’t seem to act quickly enough.” he said in a post on Instagram.

Hamilton continues to raise awareness of the importance of mental health, encouraging everyone to find ways to look after their psychological well-being. His willingness to speak openly about his own challenges shows that he remains determined to break the taboos surrounding this issue, both in sport and in society.



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