Ceylin del Carmen Alvarado won his fifth victory of the winter on Saturday in Cyclo-crosscrossing the finish line in the lead during the 4th round of the Super prestige de Merksplas. She seemed headed for a solo victory, but a mistake in the last sand passage almost cost her the race in her duel with Lucinda Brand. She finally managed to win in front of Lucinda Brand et Marie Schreiberand thus achieve his third victory in Super prestige this season. She also took the opportunity to take the lead in the general classification of the competition, with 4 rounds remaining.
“The last lap was really difficult”
After the race, she looked back on her victory and her mistake in the last lap: “Lucinda was almost on my wheel. We already saw in Lokeren that Lucinda and I are quite equal. The last lap was really difficult. I was tired and I still thought that I had to pass this sandy area one last time. times correctly to win, but in the middle it went wrong and I lost my concentration. I was running as fast as I could, but it wasn't very fast anymore. Lucinda was almost on my wheel, but I stayed focused. to the finish line because the sprint was too short to really sprint I had to draw on my reserves, but this gap allowed me to seize my moment I knew that in such a fast lap it would be. It’s hard to close the gap unless you have legs of fire.”
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