At 70 years old, Etienne Brasseleur cycled 270 km between Rémire-Montjoly and Saint-Laurent! – MB News

At 70 years old, Etienne Brasseleur cycled 270 km between Rémire-Montjoly and Saint-Laurent! – MB News
At 70 years old, Etienne Brasseleur cycled 270 km between Rémire-Montjoly and Saint-Laurent! – MB News

He cycled 270.33 km, alone and without assistance, between Rémire-Montjoly and Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni.

For Etienne Brasseleur, 70, age is just a number.

Two weeks ago, he set himself a major challenge: to reach Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni by bike, starting from Rémire-Montjoly, alone and without assistance.
« These are the people who made me realize that I was doing something strong “, he confides modestly.

Cycling in your skin

Passionate about cycling since a young age, Etienne started very early.

« At the time, my mother and I had a cycling club. I rode for clubs like Espoir Cycliste and ASPTT “, he says.
Even after ending his competitive career, he continues to cycle regularly, with outings often exceeding 50 km.

270.33 km in 10 hours 41 minutes and 19 seconds

And he did, leaving Rémire-Montjoly at 4:30 in the morning. Despite a broken spoke and the stifling heat in Organabo, Etienne reached Saint-Laurent after 270.33 km and 10h41 of pedaling.

« I had two small problems: the breakage of the spoke and the heat when I arrived in Mana. It was extremely hot, so I went to the fire department to ask to cool down. They refused, gave me two cans of water, and that’s it. I told them of my dissatisfaction, because during my first crossing from Saint-Laurent to Mana, I had been able to refresh myself at their place. So I used the water bottles to cool off, then 2-3 km further on, I stopped at a Chinese shopkeeper in the town of Mana to buy water and a piece of cake. “, he tells us.

On such a long and risky journey, Etienne never feared for his safety, even in the face of sometimes unpredictable motorists.
« On the contrary, trucks and buses helped me. Their aspiration allowed me to pedal at an average speed of 30-31 km/h on the portion between and Sinnamary. »

Building on this feat, Etienne Brasseleur does not intend to stop there. He is now preparing for his next goal: setting a record in Guadeloupe, his native island. At 70, he proves that age is no barrier to achieving great adventures.

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