Bicycle tourism, an economic lever for the territories — Example with

With 2.2 million cycling outings and more than 45 million euros in economic benefits in 2023, proves that bicycle tourism, beyond simple leisure, is a powerful economic engine; capable of revitalizing territories while responding to the challenges of sustainable tourism. This is what this study by the Inddigo firm published in September 2024 and launched at the end of 2022 by Normandie Tourisme reveals.

Bicycle tourism in Normandy: an economic lever worth 45 million euros

The study carried out by the Inddigo firm began at the end of 2022, with Normandie Tourisme and its departmental partners Attitude Manche, Attrabilité and Eureka (Eure). Objective: to know the volume, the economic benefits generated and the profiles of cyclists who use the six major routes in the region.

Namely: the Vélomaritime, the Avenue verte London – , the Seine à Vélo, the Véloscénie, the Vélo Francette and finally, the VéloWestNormandy. The study was based on the EVA-VELO method, developed by Vélo et Territoires to assess the economic benefits of cycle routes.

Tourists or day trippers

Along the Vélomaritime, in Normandy

“Attendance which reflects the attractiveness of the 1,700 km of cycle routes in the region”

In 2023, no less than 2.2 million cycling trips have been recorded on the region’s main routes. Attendance which reflects the attractiveness of the 1,700 km of cycle routes in the region. Itineraries which include emblematic routes such as La Vélomaritime, La Seine à Vélo or the Avenue Verte London-Paris.

According to the study, the clientele is divided into two main categories: 39% tourists, who stay at least one night on site, and 61% excursionists, local or regional cyclists who enjoy a day trip. It is mainly Normans, but also residents of the Ile-de- region and Bretons, who actively contribute to the running of these cycle routes.

Cycle tourism, an engine of economic growth

If cycling is good for your health, it is also excellent for the local economy. In 2023, bicycle tourism in Normandy generated 45.3 million euros in economic benefits. A windfall which mainly benefits the accommodation, catering and leisure activities sectors.

Tourists are the source of 93% of this income, with an average expenditure of €70 per day per person. Foreign visitors, mainly European (Germans, Belgians, Dutch), are particularly numerous and spendthrifts.

Are they tourists or day trippers?

The study tells us that local day trippers are a little less generous, with an average spend of €2.40. Normally, they don’t need accommodation. They remain an essential part of the cycling landscape. Their loyalty to these routes and their presence around urban areas, such as or , give them a significant role in local activity. A potential to be exploited by encouraging people to extend their stays and discover other itineraries. Long live the micro-adventure.

Encourage the development of bicycle tourism to revitalize the territories

beyond a simple trend, bicycle tourism is a real lever of economic development for the territories. Normandy is proof of this. With a robust and well-developed cycling infrastructure, it attracts thousands of cyclists every year.

The future of bicycle tourism depends on the quality of the cycling experience

To maximize economic benefits, territories must also invest more in complementary services: bicycle rental, luggage transport, or even intermodality with trains and buses. An interesting figure to remember in the study: 42% of itinerant cyclists come to Normandy by train. A way of also reminding the SNCF of the importance of improving this service.

Bicycle tourism: a source of growth for all territories that will be able to develop it

This success of bicycle tourism experienced by the Normandy region shows that bicycle tourism is a source of growth for all the territories which will be able to develop it. With good infrastructure and appropriate promotion, the economic benefits can quickly multiply.

But that’s not all: these cycling infrastructures developed to attract cycle tourists also benefit everyday cyclists. They make their home-work or utility trips easier. Encouraging bicycle tourism means focusing on an activity that benefits both visitors and local populations. A virtuous circle.

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