“Rearm our hospitals which will and must be on the front line of all crises”
Mr Prime Minister,
Ladies and gentlemen elected officials and legislators,
The Minister of the Armed Forces, Mr. Sébastien LECORNU, announces to the nation in January 2025: “France must rearm”
It echoes the warnings of the President of the Republic for several months in view of the context of international tensions: “We are entering a world of crises that will last, a world that is increasingly violent and contested.” He also joined the Director General of the WHO at the start of 2024 who urged all of our leaders and governments around the world to better prepare countries to face crises, including the health crises that threaten us.
“Having abandoned care, Carers, Health, the public hospital and our Elders to health policies dictated by the laws of the market was madness” was the lesson learned by our President during the tragedies of the Covid epidemic. 19 and our 170,000 deaths.
All the crises, climatic and environmental, religious, political and geopolitical, terrorist, economic, societal and health position and will position our health system and our public hospitals on the front line to have to protect our populations, we all know it, you know it.
Rearming the nations, our nation, at all levels necessarily involves rearming our health system, disarmed and downgraded by thirty years of “crazy” policies according to the President.
Rearming implicitly implies admitting that it has been disarmed and confirms this presidential analysis just like the triggering of “White Plans” devices across the country in 87 public hospitals this week to confront a classic winter flu epidemic.
Because these risks and these crises oblige us, all of us, and require us to have to respond to them, to have to anticipate and prepare for them, as required by the WHO, we must change software and urgently break with these years of denial and renunciation, the consequences and results of which we experience on a daily basis.
We are not ready! The lessons of Covid-19 have not been learned to match the challenges announced by the WHO, this episode of ordinary winter flu that we are going through and which is putting our teams under strain proves it to us!
Mr. Prime Minister, may your future policies not continue on this path and the errors made over so many years and allow us to respond to the health and societal challenges that threaten our citizens and our populations.
Health in view of the announcements and warnings of the WHO can no longer endure and be subjected to these economic policies of downgrading and weakening at the risk of not being able to prepare our country and our nation to face the times to come for which we must be able to cope with.
Priority of the French who sanctioned these policies during the last elections with angry votes and sanctions across our suffering medical and hospital deserts, you can no longer continue on this path while Health within your government continues to be downgraded and occupy 21st place in the new government through a Ministry of Health placed under supervision.
A real awareness and break with the past with regard to the events and realities which weigh on our world and our societies through Health must finally see the light of day. Only a decision to “sanctuarize” and change the paradigm by positioning and reconsidering part of our Health system under the “regular forces” of our country would allow us to do this.
How can we respond and rearm our nation without “extraordinary” decision-making will and courage according to the WHO when we are paying heavily on the political level for the lack of ambition, lucidity and vision in the face of events.
To rearm our defense a 2023-2040 military programming and catch-up plan of more than 400 billion euros has been decided, Health must and must follow this dynamic and be in support of this defense effort.
These days two new tragedies with the death of two young patients aged 20 and 26 in the waiting rooms of the Emergency services of France are to be deplored and join the drama of the Emergency Department of the Hyères CH during the summer 2023, in a context of strong tensions and limits reached within hospitals which have been sacrificed by too many errors in political thinking for our Health for thirty years.
We are very concerned and call for your awareness of the situation with regard to the societal issues that weigh on our populations and our teams and call once again on all our elected representatives of the territories to engage in this new path of responsibilities of all.
Please accept, Mr Prime Minister, the assurance of my most respectful greetings.
Dr. Vincent CARRET
Dr Patrick PELLOUX President Amuf
VAR elected officials