Pharmacists can vaccinate you against the flu

Pharmacists can vaccinate you against the flu
Pharmacists can vaccinate you against the flu

High fever, chills, feeling unwell and tired, body aches, headaches… Do these symptoms remind you of anything? Have they ever confined you to bed? So, you have probably already contracted the flu in the past, an illness which is far from benign and which you could do without this winter!

Every year, at the same season, we remind you: to protect yourself and those around you, there is nothing like getting vaccinated and respecting the hygiene measures (wash your hands, use a disposable tissue, stay home when you are sick, etc.). This advice is particularly applicable to more fragile people (chronically ill people, pregnant women, elderly people, etc.), in whom complications from the flu can be serious (pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchiolitis), or even fatal. The flu can also make certain chronic illnesses worse, such as diabetes.

From vaccine to vaccination, in pharmacy

Did you know you can get the vaccine directly from your pharmacistwithout a prescription from your doctor? In addition, the vaccine is largely reimbursed if you belong to one of the risk groups (people aged over 65, people with a serious chronic illness, pregnant women, people with a BMI >35, people working in the health sector… ) or if you are between 50 and 65 years old.

You can have the vaccine administered not only at your general practitioner, but also at a pharmacy.

Getting vaccinated against the flu is easy! In fact, you can have the vaccine administered not only at your general practitioner, but also in pharmacy. As for the vaccination against COVID-19vaccinating pharmacists have undergone specific training. As the COVID-19 vaccine has not yet been administered, the CSS recommends vaccinating against both infections simultaneously.

Find a vaccinating pharmacy

Not all pharmacies provide vaccinations. Check that the one of your choice offers this service and, if applicable, the terms and conditions (with or without appointment, times, etc.). To find a vaccinating pharmacy, go to our section “find a pharmacy” and check the option “flu vaccination” before starting your search. At a glance, you will see which pharmacies offer flu vaccinations near the encoded address.

Ask your pharmacist for advice!

If you are hesitant about getting vaccinated or if you have questions about the flu or the vaccineask your pharmacist for advice. He will take the time to answer you.

High fever, chills, feeling unwell and tired, body aches, headaches… Do these symptoms remind you of anything? Have they ever confined you to bed? So, you have probably already contracted the flu in the past, an illness which is far from benign and which you could do without this winter!

Every year, at the same season, we remind you: to protect yourself and those around you, there is nothing like getting vaccinated and respecting the hygiene measures (wash your hands, use a disposable tissue, stay home when you are sick, etc.). This advice is particularly applicable to more fragile people (chronically ill people, pregnant women, elderly people, etc.), in whom complications from the flu can be serious (pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchiolitis), or even fatal. The flu can also make certain chronic illnesses worse, such as diabetes.

From vaccine to vaccination, in pharmacy

Did you know you can get the vaccine directly from your pharmacistwithout a prescription from your doctor? In addition, the vaccine is largely reimbursed if you belong to one of the risk groups (people aged over 65, people with a serious chronic illness, pregnant women, people with a BMI >35, people working in the health sector… ) or if you are between 50 and 65 years old.

You can have the vaccine administered not only at your general practitioner, but also at a pharmacy.

Getting vaccinated against the flu is easy! In fact, you can have the vaccine administered not only at your general practitioner, but also in pharmacy. As for the vaccination against COVID-19vaccinating pharmacists have undergone specific training. As the COVID-19 vaccine has not yet been administered, the CSS recommends vaccinating against both infections simultaneously.

Find a vaccinating pharmacy

Not all pharmacies provide vaccinations. Check that the one of your choice offers this service and, if applicable, the terms and conditions (with or without appointment, times, etc.). To find a vaccinating pharmacy, go to our section “find a pharmacy” and check the option “flu vaccination” before starting your search. At a glance, you will see which pharmacies offer flu vaccinations near the encoded address.

Ask your pharmacist for advice!

If you are hesitant about getting vaccinated or if you have questions about the flu or the vaccineask your pharmacist for advice. He will take the time to answer you.



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