Electronic cigarette: an effective aid for quitting smoking?

Electronic cigarette: an effective aid for quitting smoking?
Electronic cigarette: an effective aid for quitting smoking?

The study involved 886 participants who smoked an average of 15 cigarettes per day. Participants were divided into two groups: one using traditional substitutes like nicotine gum or patches, and the other using e-cigarettes.

  • After a one-year follow-up, 18% of vapers were still abstinentagainst only 9,9 % users of nicotine substitutes. Verdict: the electronic cigarette is almost twice as effective than traditional weaning methods!

What makes the electronic cigarette so promising? Not only does it simulate the gestures of a smoker, an essential factor for those looking to kick the habit of smoking, but it also offers precise control of the nicotine level.

If you buy an electronic cigarette, you will be able to adjust the concentration of nicotine in your e-liquids according to your needs, which allows you to gradually reduce your dependence without a sudden shock.

What happens when you switch to electronic cigarettes?

As soon as you swap the traditional cigarette for one electronic cigaretteTHE beneficial effects are felt quickly. In just a few days, your breathing improves, and symptoms like cough and throat irritation gradually disappear. Unlike traditional cigarettes, which release carbon monoxide and tar, electronic cigarettes work sans combustion. This prevents you from inhaling these harmful substances.

But that’s not all! In just a few weeks, your taste and smell come back. Tobacco tends to alter these senses, but by switching to electronic cigarettes, you quickly regain these simple pleasures. Moreover, your risk of cardiovascular disease begins to decrease from the first weeks without tobacco.

And the financial side? Here again, the electronic cigarette makes the difference. A regular smoker, consuming approximately one pack per day, spends nearly €2500 per year in cigarettes. In comparison, a vaper spends on average €750 per yeara figure which includes the purchase of electronic cigarettes, e-liquids and coils.

How to choose the electronic cigarette that suits you?

Choose one electronic cigarette which one is right for you depends on several criteria. Vaporizers come in two main categories: pods and the mods. THE podsideal for beginners, are compact and easy to use. They are often ready to use and easy to transport. THE modson the other hand, are aimed at more experienced vapers and offer more options and power settings that allow you to better personalize the vaping experience according to your preferences. But be careful, all electronic cigarettes are not worth each other. To avoid unpleasant surprises, buy yours on a specialized site like Youvape.fr.

Once you have your vape, it’s time to choose the onee-liquidand there is something for everyone! Whether you are a fan of classic flavors like tobacco or whether you prefer more exotic flavors like mango or mintyou will inevitably find what you are looking for.

The choice of liquid is not only limited to its taste, but also to its nicotine level (from 0 to 20 mg/ml). If you are a heavy smoker, a liquid with a high nicotine level will help you manage the lack well. As you progress, you will be able to choose liquids with a lower rateor even without nicotine, for complete withdrawal.

Choose your electronic cigaretteadjust your nicotine level and quit smoking for good!



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