Covid-19: self-tests taken by storm in pharmacies faced with “relatively low” circulation of the virus in Limousin

The activity rates linked to the number of suspected cases of Covid-19 are “relatively low” in Limousin. However, the virus remains active and mainly affects people aged 65 and over. A new vaccination campaign will begin on October 15.

After a continuous increase in the number of cases of suspected Covid-19 observed from September 9 to 22 nationally, the latest bulletin from the French public health agency, dated October 2, reports a slight decrease activity rates in community medicine, and less significant increases in hospital settings.

The number of SOS doctors’ procedures increased from September 16 to 22, with 4% of procedures for suspected Covid-19 recorded (+1.2 pt in one week) but this rate has fallen slightly in recent days (3, 8%).

In a hospital environment, the number of emergency room visits recorded a final activity rate of 1% (i.e. +0.1pt in seven days). Hospitalizations after going to the emergency room are also increasing, but less spectacularly, with a rate of 2.1% (+0.3pt in seven days).

Among the key indicators, the positivity rates of samples are decreasing in city laboratories (-1.9% for a rate of 27%), and stable in hospital laboratories (rate of 15.4%).

Relatively weak indicators in Limousin

In New Aquitaine, a peak was observed this summer, in August, driven by the four coastal departments, Charente, Charente-Maritime, Landes and , where the mixing of the population and the influx of tourists are more important.

During this autumn period, a peak was also recorded last week, with an activity rate raised to 7% with the SOS Médecins associations. According to Alice Herteau, epidemiologist for Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the result is not alarming. “This rate remains low. At the height of the circulation of the virus, between 2020 and 2022, activity rates exceeded 20%,” she recalls. In Limousin, the rates are “relatively low”. They amount to 0.5% to 1.5%, both in the number of emergency visits and among the SOS Médecins associations, in Haute-, Creuse and Corrèze.

Self-tests taken by storm in pharmacies since the beginning of August

If activity rates linked to Covid-19 remain low in the region, the pharmacists’ union in Haute-Vienne reminds that respecting barrier gestures – hand washing and wearing a mask – remains essential at this time of year to protect yourself and limit the circulation of the virus. “Many people come to us to ask for self-tests at the pharmacy without wearing a mask. We are currently facing many other pathologies other than Covid, such as the flu. Some have a cold and think they don’t have it,” warns Marion Lemaire, co-president of the Haute-Vienne pharmacists’ union.

The department’s pharmacists have seen demand for self-tests increase tenfold since the beginning of August, especially from those aged 30-60.

“In reality, we have one positive case in ten. Older people are less inclined to self-test for purely technical reasons. On the other hand, they do not hesitate to wear a mask, or to stay at home in case of suspicion. »

Marion Lemaire (Co-president of pharmacists unions 87)

Pharmacists’ unions still ensure they can meet demand in Limousin, with enough masks and self-tests available in pharmacies.

New vaccination campaign from October 15

The new vaccination campaign against Covid-19, joint with the flu vaccine, begins on October 15. It primarily targets people at risk of serious illness, and people aged 65 and over, who are particularly affected.

SOS Médecins acts for suspected Covid-19 are constantly increasing among those aged 65 and over. 490 acts have been recorded in recent days, or 5.2% of acts in this age group (+ 0.4% in one week). 1,211 hospitalizations after going to the emergency room for Covid-19 or suspected Covid-19 were recorded for those aged 65 and over, compared to 161 for those aged 15-64.

As a reminder, any other person who requests it can also benefit from vaccination.

Aline Combrouze



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