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meeting with Caroline Stocker, organic market gardener in Orne

meeting with Caroline Stocker, organic market gardener in Orne
meeting with Caroline Stocker, organic market gardener in Orne

In a discreet property, along the road between Omméel and Saint-Pierre-la-Rivière, in Gouffern-en-Auge (Orne), Caroline Stocker does everything herself. Since arriving in Orne in 2018, this former architect has taken the time to mature her project. She chose to retrain and buy an old farmhouse and a large piece of land with her husband who works in the medical field. The goal: to become a farmer.

“I did a one-year training course,” traces the market gardener whose only agricultural experience until then was to wander the vegetable garden that her father cultivated. In 2020, she renovated part of the main building and built a small nursery, a mini-greenhouse where she makes seedlings. She is also starting to develop her cultivation space, which today is 3,000 m², including 300 in a greenhouse.

Read also: An intercommunity in recruited a market gardener to produce its own fruits and vegetables

“All the vegetables I like to eat”

A year later, she planted her first vegetables. “But the Covid-19 epidemic made it a rotten year. “…



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