24 billion euros: cost of suicides and suicide attempts in in 2019

This study is the first to assess the economic burden of suicide and suicide attempts in for the year 2019, before the COVID-19 health crisis. The annual economic impact of suicides and suicide attempts amounts to 24 billion euros.

The conclusions of this study* delivered by one of the co-authors, Laeticia Blampain Segar, hospital research engineer, health economist at the Clinical Research Unit in Health Economics (URC ECO), AP-HP, underline the urgency of strengthening the prevention of suicide and suicide attempts and of continuing research to reduce this avoidable burden. Further studies are needed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the repercussions of which could increase costs. It is also necessary to intensify prevention measures, increase the resources allocated to support services, increase available resources, and develop targeted programs to identify and help people at risk. A proactive approach will help alleviate the economic burden but above all improve the quality of life of many people.

*Study conducted with the FondaMental Foundation and the support of Janssen Pharmaceuticals: The cost of illness and burden of suicide and suicide attempts in France – Authors: Laeticia Blampain Segar, Charles Laidi, Ophélia Godin, Philippe Courtet, Guillaume Vaiva, Marion Leboyer, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski. BMC Psychiatry, 2024 Mar 19;24(1):215. doi: 10.1186/s12888-024-05632-3.



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