Migrants find refuge in a forest, police intervene


Safety – A group of migrants, hidden in a forest in Maulévrier-Sainte-Gertrude halfway between Rouen and Le Havre, was reported to the police. They were taken care of

On Saturday, a group of migrants who had taken up residence in a wood in Maulévrier-Sainte-Gertrude, near Rives-en-Seine (Seine-Maritime), were apprehended by the police. These people were taken into care by the municipality, while the prefecture examines each case, as reported by our colleagues at France 3 Régions.

They thought they were out of sight, hidden by trees and foliage. That wasn’t enough. A worried local resident alerted the police about this group of several individuals living in precarious conditions. On site, the police arrested 34 people, including three minors.

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The group was led to a communal hall by municipal employees. Gathered together in a warm place, all the members were able to eat and drink. After a medical examination, none of them showed any after-effects from their stay in the forest, the duration of which remains undetermined.

From now on, it is the Seine-Maritime prefecture that is in charge of these migrants. The authorities have assured that each case will be studied in order to determine the best solution for the continuation of the journey of these 34 exiles. This case comes only three days after the discovery of se(…) - 20minutes

Also read:
Le Havre: Suspended sentence for three teenage girls accused of “happy slapping”
Seine-Maritime: The police come to save dogs… they discover mistreated children
Rouen: A mother forgets her two children on the station platform, the SNCF intervenes


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