It’s official that waves from Wi-Fi and cell phones are not carcinogenic


« C“possibly carcinogenic.” This is how the International Agency Against Cancer (IARC) and the WHO have been classifying the waves from mobile phones, relay antennas and Wi-Fi for more than ten years, maintaining a latent psychosis.

The experts knew better. The category of possible carcinogens, called “B2” in the organization’s jargon, is a vast catch-all that includes everyday products that are not really a cause for concern, such as coffee, pickled vegetables and fiberglass. Substances and products that are truly dangerous to humans are in category 1 (definite carcinogen). Serious suspects are in 2A (probable carcinogen).

In the case of mobile phones, the IARC and WHO had chosen caution. Depending on their frequency, intensity and duration of exposure, electromagnetic waves can undoubtedly damage our cells, whether it is the X-rays used in medicine or repeated sunburn.

Caution with harmful consequences

In comparison, the emissions from telephones, but also from Wi-Fi and relay antennas, seemed too low to have the slightest impact on health. However, given its massive diffusion, even if it made only one user in 1,000 sick, the mobile phone would have caused more than 65,000 victims, in France alone!

Caution, alas, had unforeseen consequences. They were burlesque, at best, like the ban on […] Read more


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