“he must be convincing”

“he must be convincing”

MJean Monier had sworn to himself that he would never plead at the assizes again. Fifteen years earlier, he had had a criminal acquitted there who, as soon as he was released, had reoffended. Called for a police custody during which a father was answering for the murder of his wife, his ex-partner and still associate begged him to replace her… And here is Mr. Monier who plunges back, almost in spite of himself, into the throes of criminal defense.

Inspired by a true story that confronted the Lille lawyer Jean-Yves Moyart, who died in 2021 and whose blog, “Maître Mô”, has remained a cult classic, The Thread (released on September 11) allows Daniel Auteuil to return to directing, while giving the full measure of his talent in the role of a criminal lawyer driven by his all-consuming mission: to defend. To defend at all costs, alone against all, in “this geographical center of misfortune” that Me Moyart spoke of when referring to the assize court. A “cauldron of humanity” where, he said, “one finds the most truth.” Interview.

The Point : Is this your first time playing a lawyer?

Daniel Auteuil : Yes, well almost… I played one at the beginning of my career but he didn’t say anything and just passed by (he laughs). On the other hand, I often found myself in the dock. In Lacenaire (by Francis Girod, 1990), poet and criminal of the 19th centurye century, I demanded the death penalty for myself, it was quite theatrical. In the series The LieI am wrongly accused. There has been The Adversary […] Read more


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