How Algeria is cautiously opening up to tourism

How Algeria is cautiously opening up to tourism

“Unforgettable.” This is how Laura Loana Isac, a 33-year-old Romanian globetrotter, describes her stay in Algeria. She spent eighteen days in April in the North African country, during which time she visited eight cities and ventured into the desert.

She had been dreaming of going there for years. The fact that it was not a popular tourist destination only added to its appeal.

“Algeria caught my attention a long time ago, she comments. Not only is it the largest country in Africa, but it is also not very touristy, partly because of the difficulty of obtaining a visa. I did some research on the Internet, but I only found a small number of blogs or vlogs [blogs vidéo]. But each time I was impressed by the diversity and beauty of the country.”

Casbah and Haik

Laura Loana Isac’s curiosity about Algeria grew even more when she met two Algerian women during a trip to Senegal. They sent her an invitation letter, which she added to her visa application, and helped her plan her stay before welcoming her to Algiers. From the capital to the southern city of Tamanrasset [ville qui ouvre sur le désert algérien, située à 1 900 kilomètres au sud d’Alger]Isac had the opportunity to explore a large number of places.

“You can find everything in Algeria, she assures. From turquoise blue seas to beautiful beaches, cities with remarkable architecture, full of history, immense deserts, high mountains. The people are kind, and it is very affordable. I don’t speak Arabic or French – just a few words, a few phrases – but that wasn’t a problem. Most of the people I met spoke English, and when they didn’t, they communicated through gestures..”

Beyond the cultural diversity and varied landscapes, Laura Loana Isac was very struck by the people, who for her are “the very essence of Algeria”.

[…] - Courrier international

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