We saw the only one on stage by Camille Cottin and we are disappointed!

We saw the only one on stage by Camille Cottin and we are disappointed!
We saw the only one on stage by Camille Cottin and we are disappointed!

CIt’s never a good sign when you focus so much on the setting of a show. In the only one on stage by Camille Cottin, currently on display at the Théâtre des Bouffes-du- in , we spend a lot of time contemplating the curtain which covers the back of the stage. Is it more of a lavender, wisteria, mauve or lilac color? The question torments us for almost an hour. It is not the acting of the actress that is in question here. This one is extremely accurate. The actress does not spare herself on the set.

Rather, it is the text that immediately confuses the viewer. For her return to the stage, Camille Cottin chose to adapt a radical text: the sulfurous novel by Katharina Volckmer, titled not without provocation Jewih Cock. Initially published by Editions Grasset in 2021, since then translated worldwide, this book tells in the first person the story of a young German woman who, like its author, born in 1987, moved to England. It expresses the psychological torments of a thirty-year-old who has completely lost her bearings.

Radical texts

The plot is quite simple. A woman asks a doctor to carry out a delicate surgical procedure: a male genital transplant. On the eve of the operation, while the surgeon performs various gynecological examinations, the narrator confides what led her to consider this extreme change. We knew The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. Here comes the time for soliloquy […] Read more



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