Since February 13, 2023, a character has joined the successful series Tomorrow belongs to us : Alain Lehaut, played on screen by actor Christian Vadim. Between filming in Sète and theater plays, the companion of the actress Nadège Méziat has busy days. In the columns of the magazine The two of usChristian Vadim returned to his adventure in the daily life of TF1and makes some surprising confidences about those close to him.
The actor with little support from his family?
Indeed, the 61-year-old actor revealed that nor his mother, Catherine Deneuvenor his sister, Chiara Mastroiannido not follow the episodes of the series Tomorrow belongs to us. The two women therefore never watch their son and brother on television. He entrusted our colleagues to The two of us : “The problem is the schedule of its broadcast. At this time, generally, my mother is working and my sister too.“. Of course, there remains the option of replay, but Christian Vadim did not raise the subject…
That’s not all, because in this same interview, the one who comes from a large family of actors revealed that his mother did not encourage him in his desire to make cinema. To the question “Will you be more open with your children?”, he answered in all sincerity: “I could hardly do worse than my mother. I know she reacted harshly because she was worried about me. I had started studying law, and she would have preferred that I finished them“.
Christian Vadim is the happy father of three children : Igor, 37 years old, born from his union with the radio columnist Hortense Divetain, Lou, 14 years old, and Mona, 12 years old, whom he had with his ex-wife, the journalist from France 2Julia Livage. Let’s hope he has more support with his children…