Helena (Star Academy): her meeting like no other with Didier Deschamps

Helena (Star Academy): her meeting like no other with Didier Deschamps
Helena (Star Academy): her meeting like no other with Didier Deschamps

The 36th operation of the Yellow Pieces was launched. Objective: collect as much funds as possible from January 8 until February 8 in the boxes provided for this purpose. The money raised will allow supporting children and adolescents in hospital. A cause close to the heart of First Lady Brigitte Macron and the sponsor of the operation Didier Deschamps, the future former coach of the French football team. So the two of them found each other this January 8 at the CHU Pellegrin in for the launch of this charity event. An event which, now, has its anthem like the Restos. A hymn sung, notably, by some students from the “Star Academy” comme Helena Bailly.

The song titled The little suns is interpreted by a thirty young artists. Written by Lionel Florence, Patricia Guirao and John Mamann brings together Joseph Kamel, Nuit Incolore, Styleto but also former candidates of “The Voice” like Linh, Mentissa and Vernis Rouge. Also on the microphone streamer Michou and three former students of season 11 of “Star Academy”: Helena, Axel and Julien. The clip will be revealed on Friday.

On this occasion, the semi-finalist of the TF1 program was also able to sing her cult song Summer Body which emphasizes having to accept your body as it is. A song visibly known by the coach of the Blues. Faced with caregivers and sick children, the 98 world champion intoned a few words. A gesture which greatly pleased the Belgian artist: “My greatest gift is that Didier Deschamps sang Summer Body” she told her audience.

Helena Bailly soon in duo with Pierre Garnier? She responds without filter!

At the castle, the two were inseparable and there is no doubt that their complicity must have continued during the big tour of the “Star Academy” but Will Helena soon sing a duet with Pierre Garnier, the winner of season 11? Asked by Starthe 22-year-old singer said more about the release of her first album which she is perfecting. No, she won’t share a title with her friend car “there will be no duets on my record. And a duet with Pierre, no it won’t be now. It would be much too early“, confides the young woman.


Until then, great projects await him and, in particular, a big tour that will take him everywhere in and Belgium. His first date? It will be in Forges-les-eaux on April 23. She will also sing at the Trianon in on May 5. Without having won the show, Helena Bailly has reason to be proud of the progress accomplished.

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