Mélanie Maudran (Un si grand soleil) reveals her most precious memory of Alain Delon

Mélanie Maudran (Un si grand soleil) reveals her most precious memory of Alain Delon

There were some great people in this 2024 edition of the La Rochelle Fiction Festival. The event, which closes its doors this Saturday evening, welcomed many personalities and in particular part of the cast ofSuch a big sunthe series which has just moved from France 2 to France 3.

The confidences of Mélanie Maudran (Un si grand soleil) on Alain Delon

Coming with Fabrice Deville (Florent) and Sylvain Boccara (Louis), her partners in the series, Mélanie Maudran accepted, for TV 7 Days, to delve into his memories to evoke with tenderness and emotion Alain Delon, his fictional father in the series Frank Riva. “He taught me that acting was a continuation of life in fact. He was entirely what he played, it was his way of moving, his way of being authentic, of being sincere… He had an absolutely permanent sincerity. That’s my motto: as long as we are sincere, almost anything can happen.”she confided, recalling the valuable advice given by Alain Delon on the set. The actress who plays Claire in Such a big sun (France 3) wanted to emphasize how much the actor, who died on August 18 in Douchy, had helped her at the beginning of her career.As a young actress, we are always so uncertain. It is a profession where we are constantly dependent on others, where it is a look that acts as validation of what we are worth, she detailed. The look that accompanied me and validated the fact that I had perhaps not been wrong to choose this path was that of Alain Delon.”

What Alain Delon represented for Mélanie Maudran

Deeply affected by the death of the one she “always greatly admired”, Mélanie Maudran added that she had been ““overwhelmed by Alain Delon”. “Contrary to the image that was conveyed, it was in fact of a rare authenticity”she said, specifying that despite his superstar status, the comedian “was a wounded animal”. “It’s an ultra-precious memory. There are a few encounters like that in a lifetime, there aren’t fifty. It’s an encounter that I treasure at a time when helping hands was essential because it’s such a difficult job.” she concluded.


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