17 years after its launch, Don't forget the lyrics will change! What awaits the candidates but also the public

17 years after its launch, Don't forget the lyrics will change! What awaits the candidates but also the public
17 years after its launch, Don't forget the lyrics will change! What awaits the candidates but also the public

It was in December 2007 that 2 launched Don't forget the lyrics with Nagui. And the goal has always remained the same: the candidates' mission is to try to find the words of French songs in order to win the precious silver microphone. To celebrate the show's continued success, the channel offered a somewhat special evening on November 19 during which Nagui made a big announcement. And it all started with a remark from Ariane, the champion at that time who was eliminated two days later. Before starting the competition, the latter had expressed her wish to “don't worry when you arrive on set“. And the host told him: “The decor will soon change! It will change for ambiance artists and musicians.“An important announcement given that since its beginnings, the set of Don't forget the lyrics has been modified very little, if at all.

And this is good news both for the candidates who will no longer be afraid of tripping while taking the steps and for the public. For good reason, spectators will finally be able to sit on seats with backs!More spectacular, more dynamic, more modern lines and colors“, are also expected as indicated Magazine in its December 3 edition. Note that it is on December 16 that these subtle improvements will be able to be seen by viewers, which is not a date chosen at random. Indeed, it is the third Monday of the month of December, the same as when the show was launched seventeen years ago. It will also be the perfect opportunity to celebrate the 7000th episode of Don't forget the lyrics !

A little game deleted a few months earlier in Don't forget the lyrics

If there have been few changes in the program in recent years, Nagui decided at the end of last August that he no longer wanted to bother with the additional game which aimed to ask viewers if the legendary program is called “You, you, Maurice” or “For, for, Motus“. The faithful responded until now by SMS and could pocket up to 10,000 euros. “If I were you, I would hurry because this is the last game we will do on this show (…). We're going to abandon these games where everyone knows the answer and I worry a little“, he declared.



NEXT here are the students nominated for the last bonus before the semi-final