Gilles Bouleau reprimands Jordan Bardella, the tone rises live on TF1

Gilles Bouleau reprimands Jordan Bardella, the tone rises live on TF1
Gilles Bouleau reprimands Jordan Bardella, the tone rises live on TF1

The day after the first round of the legislative elections, Gilles Bouleau devoted a large part of his 8 p.m. news to political news on Monday, July 1, 2024 on TF1.

The presenter, whose surprising photo was revealed, received no fewer than four guests on set. Jordan Bardella (National Rally), Gabriel Attal (Ensemble pour la République), Raphaël Glucksmann (New Popular Front) and Xavier Bertrand (Les Républicains) took turns to draw lessons from the first round of the legislative elections.

Jordan Bardella attacks the New Popular Front and gets put back in his place on TF1’s 8pm news

Jordan Bardella, whose party emerged as the clear winner, called on voters to grant him an absolute majority in the second round of the legislative elections to be held on Sunday, July 7. The man whose salary has been revealed has already warned that otherwise, he would refuse to join Matignon to succeed Gabriel Attal as Prime Minister.

He called on the French to stand together against an alliance of the far left: “Faced with the coalition that I lead alongside Marine Le Pen and Eric Ciotti, we see this far-left alliance rising up that wants to free 20% of prisoners – this is the famous prison regularization -, disarm the police, create a mountain of new taxes that will weaken the working and middle classes…”he said.

Jordan Bardella then claimed that the New Popular Front had invested candidates with S files: “But you too! You have candidates who have tweeted anti-Semitic remarks!the 8pm news presenter immediately put him in his place, referring to Joseph Martin, the National Rally candidate in the 1st constituency of Morbihan, who, in 2018, had said on Twitter that “The gas brought justice to the victims of the Holocaust”.

The tone then rose to the top: “No! No! The person who was mentioned, this has been denied by the press! And his good faith has been proven, so let’s not gratuitously smear candidates who represent the people of France!“, replied Jordan Bardella, annoyed, while affirming that there was a danger of seeing Jean-Luc Mélenchon arrive at Matignon. A palpable tension which is not about to fade for the moment.



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