Meghan Markle and Prince Harry featured in new royal portraits

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry featured in new royal portraits
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry featured in new royal portraits

In 2013, artist Dan Llywelyn Hall was commissioned to paint the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. A portrait which at the time had disturbed, by its colors, its eclectic style. However, the artist, fascinated by the royal family, did not stop at this work.

Unpublished portraits of the Sussex couple

The Duchess and Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, were this month depicted by the artist through new royal portraits. Paintings that have caused a buzz on the Web and proven that the couple is still part of the History of the Royal Family.

So, artist Dan Llywelyn Hall shared on the platform X, photos of his works. We therefore discover the royal couple, who withdrew from their royal functions in 2020, unrecognizable in these atypical portraits.

A controversial but historic royal couple

As reported by the BBCthese portraits were essential for the artist to represent the royal family: “In Harry’s case, I entered the story before he met Meghan – the young party boy whose future is very uncertain. Then I thought that putting Meghan in the role of the White Queen, who was a queen consort and probably the most influential outsider in royal history, could be a nice irony.”

About his fascination with the royal family, the artist said: “The Royal Family is probably the most exciting and longest-running drama in history, a source of inspiration for theater, books and all forms of art.” Portraits that are available for purchase at the auction The Reign at Burlington House from June 28 to July 4, 2024. Works which prove once again that the Sussex couple have marked and are marking the history of the royal family.

Remember, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are considered the “outsiders” of the royal family. In 2020, Prince Harry preferred to go into exile from the United Kingdom to live in the United States, with his wife and children. Thus, he renounced part of his royal duties, although he still remains Duke of Sussex. A decision which did not resolve the already existing tensions between the royal members. Since this decision, Prince Harry has been at odds with his brother, Prince William.



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