They have a love of Art and the pleasure of transmitting it to the body. Whether they opened their gallery 33 years ago, for Anne-Eva Minne, or six months ago, for Dominique Guiho, the youngest, they share this desire to introduce art to the general public. But because galleries are still too often perceived as a place where you are not allowed to enter if you don’t know anything about them, they decided to launch the first Galleries Night in Saint-Brieuc, this Friday November 22.
Galleries open to all
“We wanted to offer a route through the city center, which allows you to discover these four places, these four galleries each having their own particularities,” explains Maxime Lancien, who runs the Maxime Lancien gallery on rue Saint-Gouéno. “We want to show people that galleries are not closed places, elitist places, and that we are happy to welcome everyone,” continues Anne-Eva Minne, the boss of the Passe-Partout workshop, make way for Linen. “Come have a drink with us, we’ll have fun!” “.
“Painting is first and foremost to be seen,” emphasizes Olivier Brichory, of La Chandelle verte located on rue Fardel. “Our galleries are open to everyone, we are there to discuss, to make artists known. And, for those who would like to buy, there is something for all budgets.”
Four different universes
For this first Galleries Night, everyone will present their current exhibition. “Four different exhibitions which are the trademark of each of us,” emphasizes Maxime Lancien.
At Anne-Eva Minne, it is Alain Marcon, sculptor to whom we owe the fresco on the French Joint acquired by the City of Saint-Brieuc, who will be in the spotlight. Maxime Lancien will offer, for his part, the charcoal works of Justine Joly. Olivier Brichory, for his part, will present the creations of the visual artist Tomislav Subasich. Finally, the engravings of Zwy Milshtein will be in the spotlight at Dominique Guiho, in his gallery du Linteau rouge, rue Jouallan.
This first joint meeting could lead to others in the future. “We want to bring culture to the city so, yes, we could start again,” says Maxime Lancien.
Galleries Night, Friday November 22, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., in Saint-Brieuc. The Red Lintel, 9, rue Jouallan; Maxime Lancien Gallery, 21, rue Saint-Gouéno; Galerie Le Passe-Partout, 4, place au Lin; La Chandelle verte, 15, rue Fardel.