Benoît Gagnon shares magnificent photos with his daughter-in-law

Benoît Gagnon shares magnificent photos with his daughter-in-law
Benoît Gagnon shares magnificent photos with his daughter-in-law

Iron, Benoit Gagnon shares beautiful photos with her daughter-in-law, Emma, in honor of her senior prom; a very important moment for her and her family.

It’s on his page Instagram that the host shared several photos in which we find him alongside his daughter-in-law who has just graduated from high school and in which he is full of praise for her.

She is simply magnificent.

“This beautiful big teenager is my daughter-in-law Emma and this weekend, like thousands of other young people, she had her graduation party and her prom. Tell you how proud I am of her. When we met 4 years ago, she was experiencing enormous vertigo. A divorce, a forced departure from UNITED STATESwhere she was born, leaving friends behind, arriving at Québec to make a new life, learn a new language, not too many references to things she knows, a new school which is unusual to say the least and a practically non-existent social life. Emma has an extraordinary mother, Nathalie, who refused to see her daughter become depressed and as a team with her we worked hard for almost two years to find her an environment where she could realize herself, flourish, learn and rediscover that beautiful spark that has always been her characterized. Well, mission accomplished. Our oldest is 17, has a high school diploma, a summer job and she’s off to the college program she wanted… and oh yes, she has a pretty busy social life. The father-in-law that I am is really happy about all of this. The goal has always been to be there, to ensure a fatherly presence, to show that a dad can be fun; to set an example, to reassure, to guide, to listen, to say stupid things, to make people laugh, to make life sweet. I always wanted to be a father and that’s what makes me happiest in the world… and even if I never thought I would be a stepfather, this role is just as important to me every day . Love ya E. I’m so proud of you“, proudly and lovingly said the one who seems to serve as his father figure.

They make an adorable duo, don’t they?

Congratulations to Emma and we wish her continued success!



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