“We renovated an old barn”, his house lost in the middle of the forest in Quebec

“We renovated an old barn”, his house lost in the middle of the forest in Quebec
“We renovated an old barn”, his house lost in the middle of the forest in Quebec

At ease on stage, in his private life, Garou rather prefers an isolated life in the middle of the forest. Discover his Quebec home.

Recognizable thanks to his atypical voice and revealed by the musical Notre Dame de Paris, Garou leads a fairly discreet life on a daily basis. In fact, he spends most of his time without his Quebec home, isolated in the middle of the forest. A place conducive to calm and far from the spotlight of fame, which he is very fond of. He made some confidences about this place dear to his heart, which he would not leave for anything in the world.

Garou’s house in the middle of the Quebec forest

To be fulfilled on a daily basis, some people need to move away from cities. Garou is one of them and has chosen to live in the middle of the Quebec forest, as reported The house newspaper. Originally from Sherbrooke, 130 kilometers from Montreal, the singer is very attached to his native land.

“I confined myself before confinement because I spent a lot of time in a forest that I bought. I make my own maple syrup, I know it’s cliché. I make my own maple syrup alone, cutting down trees, I invigorate the forest, we renovated an old barn that was going to fall down to make a studio”he confided on the Belgian set of RTL Info with you.

Often surrounded by people since the beginning of his career, Garou has felt the need to isolate himself for a few years. This place is then conducive to an isolation that he likes. “It did me good (…) I have a very festive spirit, I always had the heart to party. Now, I party at home in my barn, where we take out the cards and play a little game of poker or we take out the guitars and make music,” he added.

photo credit: Instagram @garouofficial

A singer in love with nature

At ease on television sets and on stages around the world, Garou feels even better in the great outdoors. Asked about where he dreams of going and living by Nikos Aliagas for Galathe singer spoke about his home in Canada.

“At home. The more I travel, the more I feel at home in my little town, Les Cantons-de-l’Est, in southern Quebec. Its territory corresponds to that of the administrative region of Estrie: I There are the mountains, the forest, the lake at the end of the quay – this lake is simply magical!, had confided the compatriot of Celine Dion. A peaceful life in the middle of wide open spaces that we can well imagine.

Garou often feels the need to reconnect with nature. “For five years, I have been much more at home in Quebec. I really needed to go back there. I needed nature, I needed to do something else too. I have a recovery company old woods, lots of things I touch that fascinate me”explained the singer on the set of RTL Info with you.



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