Laurence Arné and Dany Boon as a couple: their children fell in love!

Laurence Arné and Dany Boon as a couple: their children fell in love!
Laurence Arné and Dany Boon as a couple: their children fell in love!

Laurence Arné and Dany Boon, two emblematic figures of French cinema, met in 2016 and made their relationship official a year later. They have since formed a discreet, but solid couple, sharing their life between Paris and the North of France, recalls Leisure TV. Their happiness is all the greater because they managed to create a harmonious blended family. Laurence Arné is the mother of a boy, Raphaël, born from a previous relationship, while Dany Boon is the father of five children, including Sarah, born from his union with Judith Séguier.

It was during this blended family life that the unexpected happened: Raphaël and Sarah, aged 12 and 14 respectively, fell in love. A funny and touching situation that the parents had to manage with kindness and tact. “We were lucky, because it went pretty well. Our two youngest even fell in love. For two years there was a romance…“, confided Laurence Arné during a television interview.

“It was harder for my son than for his daughter. It was hard”

If this idyll brought joy to the family, it was also a source of some tension. Dany Boon said to himself “anguish” by the situation. But in the face of these emotional upheavals, the couple was able to show unity and support towards their children.

Unfortunately, the love story between Raphaël and Sarah did not last. “I dealt with the separation“, confided Laurence Arné, “It was harder for my son than for his daughter. It was hard“. Today, the two teenagers remain friends and the blended family continues to live peacefully. This unique experience strengthened the bonds between Laurence Arné and Dany Boon, demonstrating that love can manifest itself in unexpected forms and that it is sometimes stronger than blood ties.

Dany Boon and Laurence Arné at the head of a solid blended family

Today, Raphaël and Sarah are friends and the blended family of Laurence Arné and Dany Boon get along very well. “There are always times of adaptation. But yes, we get along very well“, confided Dany Boon. “The secret ? I don’t know if there is a secret. In fact, it’s very difficult. I think it’s the hardest job in the world, being parents. And in-laws. The secret is to give them time“.

If the love story between Raphaël and Sarah did not last,
it allowed the two actors to live a unique experience and to strengthen the bonds within their blended family. A situation which also allowed them to better understand the difficulties that children can encounter in this type of context.



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