Hosts, series, comedians… Who are the winners of the media season?

Hosts, series, comedians… Who are the winners of the media season?
Hosts, series, comedians… Who are the winners of the media season?

How do the French view the TV and radio season which is coming to an end? Answer this afternoon on the show C media from France 5. Mélanie Taravant and her band of experts dissect the results of an exclusive survey carried out by Ifop among a representative sample of 1,000 people, who were asked to nominate two personalities.

“All media, and not just those most on the right, contribute to legitimizing the RN”

First lesson: the facilitator who has the most marked the season » is Cyril Hanouna (C8). Accustomed to controversies, the presenter of Do not touch My TV ! is cited by 26% of respondents. He is a good distance from his competitors Yann Barthès (TMC) and Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine (France 5), tied for 6th place (19%). The boss of TPMP is, however, closely followed by another figure from the PAF who occupied the field during the farmers’ crisis in January: Karine Le Marchand (25%). The host of Love is in the meadow (M6) became the voice of the demonstrators, not hesitating to go to a roadblock under the eye of news channel cameras.

Léa Salamé, Bruce Toussaint, Pascal Praud…

On the journalists’ side, Léa Salamé is at the head of the race. Very exposed with her weekly talk show What an era! on France 2 and the France Inter morning show, it is cited by 37% of respondents. That is 3 points more than Bruce Toussaint, whose transfer in the middle of the season from BFMTV to the morning show on TF1 stirred up the media. After a sluggish start, its program has been showing (slightly) more encouraging audiences for several weeks. Equal with him, Pascal Praud, head of CNews but also Europe 1, where he joined at the start of the school year, allowing the station to regain some listeners. Just behind, we find Apolline de Malherbe (BFMTV and RMC) who scored 30% of respondents with her muscular interviews.

Surprise among comedians: we expected to find Guillaume Meurice, who has just left France Inter, as number one. Nay! The bonus is less divisive humor with Jean-Luc Lemoine (Europe 1) in first place, cited by 39% of respondents. Followed by Élodie Poux (RTL2) with 30% responses and Philippe Caverivière (RTL, France 2) with 24%.

On the series side

In the field of fiction, the relaunch of More beautiful life in January on TF1 – more than a year after its termination on France 3 – is a successful bet. Particularly popular with women, the Marseille soap opera takes the lead (38%), and is ahead of two series broadcast on the Netflix platform: Fiasco (32%) and Tapie (28%). At the editorial office, we would have liked to find ourselves in a better position Please And Fever, which appear in 7th and 9th place. If you missed them, you can catch up on the first series, which takes place among the dockers in Le Havre, on; and the second (a media hype story) on MyCanal. To discover the rest of this survey, in particular the politician who had the most impact on the French, go to France 5 this afternoon.



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