Public appearance of Princess Kate: should we be reassured? Our expert’s analysis

Public appearance of Princess Kate: should we be reassured? Our expert’s analysis
Public appearance of Princess Kate: should we be reassured? Our expert’s analysis

On the occasion of King Charles III’s official birthday this Saturday, Princess Kate made a particularly notable appearance. And for good reason, it was his first public appearance since December.

It was therefore in a white dress accompanied by a hat that Princess Kate appeared this Saturday, in front of a captivated crowd. While this is his first official public appearance since December, a question arises: can we be reassured?

She displays a slimmer line than ever

Our expert, Amélie Schildt, provides her analysis: “What we were able to see this afternoon is that the princess displays a slimmer figure than ever“, she emphasizes. “But she seems in good shape, she’s beautiful and happy to be there. She will resume some official activities this summer, but the Princess of Wales has made it clear that she does not intend to rush things. She also clarified in her message on Instagram that she still has to face months of chemotherapy, and that she is not yet out of the woods.“.

A triumphant return

For our expert, this return to the public was particularly successful. “We can undoubtedly speak of a triumphant return. Kate’s appearance, particularly studied, proved to live up to the expectations of the British“.

It is certain that missing an event of this magnitude would have caused a terrible stir in the United Kingdom. “By making an appearance at Trooping the Color, the princess shows that she is always there to support her father-in-law King Charles, but also her husband William, who has taken on a considerable number of official activities lately“, explains Amélie Schildt.

Catherine wants to preserve her privacy as much as possible, she who was mistreated by the media and social networks shortly after the announcement of her cancer, because of a photo published on Instagram which turned out to be retouched.

Princess Kate United Kingdom



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