Marilou Berry opens up about her adolescence, her family and violence against women

Marilou Berry opens up about her adolescence, her family and violence against women
Marilou Berry opens up about her adolescence, her family and violence against women

“Life is a piece of crap, we have to eat a little piece of it every day… but sometimes the bread is good.” By throwing this sentence in the middle of an interview, Marilou Berry brilliantly summarized for us her positive attitude towards life. Sadness, the character she plays again in the second episode of the animated film Vice-Versa, has a very different way of seeing things… In the film, viewers will be able to find Riley who, having become a teenager , must face new emotions. Anxiety, Boredom, Embarrassment will give the 12-year-old girl a hard time… as well as Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger, who had nevertheless managed to live in harmony. On the occasion of the release of this second part on June 19, 2024, Marilou Berry spoke to Current Woman. We met her in a charming café in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. Her own adolescence, the harassment she suffered, her family… the actress spoke with great sincerity. Encounter.

Femme Actuelle: The first film Vice versa was released 10 years ago. Were you the same person at the time? Marilou Berry: I changed, obviously! In the meantime, I became a mother and got my driving test! I am a new woman. [Rires] I know that I have 5-year cycles during which I make a real revolution: I am very different, but I still remain the child that I was.

In this feature film, you once again lend (…)

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