when Kevin Costner was in Paris in …

when Kevin Costner was in Paris in …
when Kevin Costner was in Paris in …

Kevin Costner was at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival for the screening of his film Horizon, an American Saga. On this occasion, Télé Star decided to bring out photos from its archives of the actor’s visit to Paris in 1998 for The Postman.

Living legend of Hollywood cinema, Kevin Costner was at the Cannes Film Festival this year. Indeed, the famous American actor came to present his new film as director, called Horizon, an American saga. This feature film should be released in three parts for a total duration of nearly 10 hours. The first two parts are announced for June 28, 2024 and August 16, 2024.

This film marks Kevin Costner’s return to directing, 20 years later Open Range. This is also the third Western that the actor has directed out of a total of four feature films. In the past, he notably directed the cult film called Dancing with the wolves, in which he also played the main character. A masterpiece thanks to which he won two Oscars (best actor and best director).

Kevin Costner is a big Western fan

Kevin Costner also directed Open Range in 2003. Among all the films on which he has worked behind the camera, The Postman is the only one that isn’t a Western. Released in cinemas in 1997, this feature film is in fact the cinematographic adaptation of the eponymous novel by David Brin, released in bookstores two years earlier.

This film takes place in 2013, in a devastated world following the Third World War of 1997. The latter marked the emergence of a totalitarian movement led by Nathan Holn, the Holnist Movement. The rare survivors live as best they can on the remains of the vanished civilization. The self-proclaimed General Bethlehem at the head of the Holnist Army imposed his tyrannical power through violence.

The Hollywood star experienced one of his worst failures with The Postman

It was then that a solitary traveler, who originally donned a United States Postal Service uniform to be able to eat while posing as a postman from the Restored United States, would initiate a movement of hope through the “Couriers“, members of the new postal service, who will ultimately oppose the Holist tyranny. Kevin Costner also went to Paris in 1998 to present this feature film.

Unfortunately for the actor, this film was a huge flop at the box office. With an estimated production budget of $80 million. It grossed only $18 million in box office revenue. In addition, this feature film received five Razzie Awards in the categories of worst film, worst screenplay, worst soundtrack, and finally worst actor and worst director for Kevin Costner.



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