“A real struggle”, in tears, the singer talks about her illness in the trailer for her documentary

“A real struggle”, in tears, the singer talks about her illness in the trailer for her documentary
“A real struggle”, in tears, the singer talks about her illness in the trailer for her documentary

On June 25, a documentary on Celine Dion will be broadcast on Amazon Prime. The trailer has finally been revealed and shows the singer’s fierce fight against her illness.

Over the years, Céline Dion has created a special place in the hearts of the French, but not only that. The singer is one of the biggest stars in the world. Her voice and her talent have propelled her to the highest levels of music. And if the mother is still so popular, she has had to slow down her career. For what ? Because she is suffering from a rare neurological condition which prevents him from living normally.

Since Celine Dion announced her diagnosis, she has received many messages of support from her fans. Despite everything, she remained very discreet about his state of health. Soon, she should shed light on her illness. In any case, this is what the trailer for the documentary on the star which will be unveiled on Amzaon Prime on June 25 indicates.

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Celine Dion in tears in her documentary

Baptized I Am: Celine Dion, the documentary from the streaming giant promises to make us experience great emotions. “I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological disease and before that I wasn’t ready to talk about it, but now I am”, declares the interpreter of my heart Will Go On. The tears are coming and she has to catch her breath to be able to continue.

It’s not hard to put on a show. It’s hard to cancel one”, confides the star before explaining that she is ready to do anything to make her comeback. “I work hard every day, but I have to admit it has been a real struggle. I miss people so much…I miss them. If I can’t run, I’ll walk. If I can’t walk, I’ll crawl. I won’t stop”, says Céline Dion in the trailer.

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What is Celine Dion’s illness?

As Celine Dion announced, she has stiff man syndrome. This is a very rare disease that attacks the central nervous system. It therefore causes muscle stiffness as well as muscle spasms which can be very painful.

To date, there is no cure for people with stiff man syndrome. It is only possible to obtain treatments to minimize the impact of the symptoms.


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