Kamala Harris: Douglas, her unfaithful husband, fathered a child with his daughter’s nanny!

A few days before the election which sees Donald Trump and Kamala Harris compete for the presidency of the United States, a look back at the escapades of Douglas Emhoff, the husband of the Democratic candidate. A few weeks ago, the press revealed the details of his deception with a nanny. This extramarital relationship had caused a pregnancy which would have been interrupted…

Kamala Harris: Douglas, her unfaithful husband, fathered a child with his daughter’s nanny!

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Will Douglas Emhoff be the first “first man” from the United States? On November 5, the world will have its eyes fixed on America, which will have a new head of state. After Joe Biden, who, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, will become the 47th president of the world’s leading power? To find out, we will have to wait at least the next day, Wednesday November 6, or even longer, if the results are close or contested. If this election will be historic in more than one way, it could mark a first in American political history: the arrival of a woman at the top of the state.

The opposite hypothesis is known, the scenario has already unfolded. From 2017 to 2021, Donald Trump presided over the country, offering it, as has been the case since 1789 and the arrival, at the White House, of Martha Washington, the wife of George, first president of the USA, a first lady. This position is traditionally held by the president’s wife, and the title is often taken to qualify her. Melania Trump, whose experience it is not at all certain she wishes to repeat, was the first lady of the United States during her husband’s mandate. An original first lady with sometimes incomprehensible attitudes, but who had in no way disrupted protocol.

It would be completely different if Kamala Harris came to power, who is celebrating her birthday this October 20. 60 ans. Since the latter has been vice-president, the Americans found a term to describe her husbandthat of “second gentleman”which some literally translate into French by the outdated term second gentleman. The future will tell, in the event of a Democratic victory, what he should be named, but one thing is certain, if Biden’s current vice-president wins and if that is the term of office. gentleman who is chosen, it will not necessarily be very suitable regarding Kamala Harris’ husband, a man who cheated on his previous wife with his children’s nanny

A friend of Kamala Harris arranged a date

Douglas Emhoff is a American lawyer. Specializing in media, entertainment and intellectual property law, he built a thriving career as an associate at several prominent law firms before becoming a public figure due to his marriage to Kamala Harris.

Their meeting, in 2013, is the result of a set-up orchestrated by a mutual friend. In January 2021, Kamala Harris and her husband Douglas Emhoff remembered it on the show Sunday Morning on CBS News. “My best friend told us arranged a blind date. She said, “Trust me. Trust me.” She wanted me to go and she said, “Don’t Google it.” But I did it!”admitted the candidate, who had in the past been singled out because of a relationship with a man much older than her. She thus discovers the personality and profession of this Douglas Emhoff, who is promised to her…

“We had a few beers before sending the text…”

For his part, the latter already knows Kamala Harris for her prestigious position in the hierarchy of the legal world. He decides to take the lead and contact her. He explains: “A friend of mine was in town, and we went to a Lakers game. We had a few beers, I told him the story and asked, ‘What do you think I should text him “So we sat in the stands and wrote this famous text, which said something like: “Hi, it’s Doug. It’s embarrassing! I’m texting you.”” A message to which Kamala simply responded: “Go Lakers!”

The day after this first contact, Doug Emhoff ended up calling his future wife, who did not answer him. “I left un message vocal ridiculewhich she kept and which she makes me listen to every year for our anniversary”he remembers on the CBS set. Kamala Harris concludes: “It was just lovely. The thing about Doug is, that’s exactly who he is. He’s just genuine and clear about the things he cares about. And that’s family, that’s is his job…”

A year after this surprising meeting, the lawyer and the attorney general of California, now completely revamped, got married. “My mother is the only one who thinks Kamala was the lucky one to marry me”joked this summer, ten years after the wedding, Kamala’s husband. A touch of humor that occurred just a few days later shattering revelations.

Kamala Harris’ husband talks about ‘difficult times because of (his) actions’

“Kamala Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, cheated on his first wife with Najen Naylor, the nanny of his daughter Ella, and made her pregnant.” On August 4, this scoop appeared in large letters in the Daily Mailand comes to shake up the campaign…

From 1992 to 2008, the lawyer was married to Kerstin Mackin, a film producer. Together, they had two children, Cole, born in 1994, and Ella born in 1999. However, at the end of the 2000s, tell our colleagues across the Channel, the children’s father allegedly had an affair with his youngest daughter’s nanny. And she would have gotten pregnant! Contacted by the English newspaper, the person concerned, Najen Naylor, now aged 47 did not deny this information. A source close to this employee, however, affirms that she would not have kept the baby.

Storm in the Democratic staffs. Even if Kamala Harris and her teams were aware of the affair, it comes at its worst, less than a month after the attempted attack on Donald Trump and just a few days after the withdrawal of Joe Biden who naturally gave way to her vice-president.

As is often the case in the United States, the quick reaction was to confess as an act of contrition, as this famous sportsman had done. Just a few hours after the information came out, Douglas Emhoff published a press release: “[Mon ex-épouse, la productrice de films Kerstin Emhoff] and I have experienced difficult times because of my actions”he admitted. “However, I took my responsibilities. In the years that followed, we managed things as a family and came out stronger.”

A press release immediately followed by a second, this time emanating from the cheated ex-wife. “Doug and I decided to end our marriage for various reasons many years ago”wrote the producer before asserting that Douglas was wonderful father pour [leurs] children”. Kerstin concluded: “He continues to be a great friend to me and I am proud of the warm and supportive blended family that Doug, Kamala and I have built.”

On October 13, for her husband’s 60th birthdayKamala Harris published a photo of them hugging each other on her Instagram account. “Happy birthday, Dougie. Thank you for being such an incredible partner to me. I love you so muchshe wrote in the caption, undoubtedly much more concerned by the November 5 deadline than by her husband’s past escapades.



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