Amber Heard voted the most hated personality in the world, or when hatred of women flourishes online

Amber Heard voted the most hated personality in the world, or when hatred of women flourishes online
Amber Heard voted the most hated personality in the world, or when hatred of women flourishes online

At the beginning of May, the American site Ranker published its annual ranking of the most hated personalities in the world. If the list appears to be equal, since 15 women and 15 men appear, the podium is exclusively female, a sign of the uninhibited sexism that is eating away at the internet.

This is another great idea. The survey site Ranker published its top 30 most hated celebrities of 2024 in early May, based on 400,000 votes from 31,000 Internet users. Spotted by Chatthis ranking is a summary of uninhibited misogyny where women monopolize the first positions, often ahead of convicted perpetrators of sexist and sexual violence.

Amber Heard comes in first place

Almost two years ago, the highly publicized trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard ended. The latter sued his ex-wife for defamation, after the latter’s publication of a video in the Washington Post where, without naming him, she implied that the actor had inflicted domestic and sexual violence on her. During the trial, Amber Heard had been the target of a large smear campaign and had suffered unprecedented online harassmentdissected in the excellent documentary by Cécile Delarue, The Lie Factory. Johny Depp, for his part, had been defended tooth and nail by cohorts of fans camping out in court, and online.

Both condemned for having mutually harmed the reputation of the other, the actress ended up going into exile in Spain under a false name while her ex-husband, triumphant, walked the steps of Cannes a few months later, crushing five years of #MeToo in the process.

It is therefore Amber Heard who was designated as the most hated personality on the internet, far ahead of personalities like Bill Cosby (8th position), P. Diddy (7th position) or even Chris Brown (10th) proof that only aggressors – presumed or not – benefit from a right to be forgotten.

In second position, we find Meghan Markle, also a victim of racist cyberharassment since her marriage to Prince Harry in 2018. A digital hatred which even intensified when the princely couple chose to distance themselves from the British monarchy to to settle in the United States. Once again, the ranking of Ranker is proof that cyberharassment and online hatred have a bright future ahead of them.

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