Alain Delon: two months after his death, Alain-Fabien, his youngest son, leaves out of necessity

The death of Alain Delon is still remembered. During the summer, one of the greatest French actors left us for good. He left behind an absolutely immense career during which he made shine throughout the world. Despite a complicated end to his life, the legend of Alain Delon will endure through the ages.

In his wake, three children are now orphaned by their father. Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien. The last one which is probably the least known, is not the one who experienced this disappearance the best. In addition to the conflicts with his sister surrounding the end of their father’s life, he was the only one still living with him in his home in Douchy. With the death of his father, he made a big decision.

Alain-Fabien Delon’s tribute to his father

On August 18, Alain Delon’s children announced to France the death of their famous father. After several months of wandering, the death knell had sounded for the man who was one of the finest representatives of France in the world. This death which was expected was not, to say the least, complicated for his children to live with. Alain-Fabien, the youngest of the siblings, seemed particularly affected. He had also posted a magnificent message on his Instagram account in tribute to his late father.

“Since this is your greatest and deepest regret. I know it. Come, I’ll take you to your father and mother. So that for the first time, finally, you see them together. Lowering the curtain, beautiful eternal night, I know that you found them up there, and that you are happy there. I miss you so much. I love you Dad.”

Need fresh air for the youngest child in the family

Alain-Fabien Delon is the one who spent the most time with his father during the last months of his life. He put his life on hold to come and take care of his dad near Douchy, in his house in . Still very affected by his death, he posted a new tribute on his Instagram account a month later “One month… We miss you daddy”. But he seems to have started to get back on track with his life.

As proof, he decided to leave France to recharge his batteries under the Greek sun. We were indeed able to see a few photos on his Instagram account, a few days after celebrating the 60th birthday of his brother Anthony. Accompanied by his nieces, they had a happy time as a family “This part of my life, this little part is called happiness” he posted in a comment under some photos of the evening. The story does not tell if Anouchka was also present.

Instagram @alainfabiendelon



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