Héléna Bailly (“Star Academy”) opens up about her relationship with fame

Héléna Bailly (“Star Academy”) opens up about her relationship with fame
Héléna Bailly (“Star Academy”) opens up about her relationship with fame

VIDEO – The young singer from the last season of the TF1 telecrochet spoke in “La Boîte à questions” on Canal+.

In one year, the life ofHelena Bailly shifted into another dimension. The semi-finalist of season 11 of “Star Academy”, very popular with the general public, has become an important character on the French-speaking scene since leaving the TF1 castle.

The young 22-year-old Belgian singer has enjoyed enormous success with her title Summer Body which has accumulated more than 10 million streams worldwide. In this song, she advocates self-acceptance. An important subject for her, which has not always assumed its forms. “It’s a theme that is close to my heart because I have had a relationship with my weight that has always been complicated for a very long time and because I have always dieted repeatedly every time I saw summer coming”she explained in the making-of of her clip in which Camille Cerf, Miss 2015, participated.

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The young woman participated in “La Boîte à questions”, a program now broadcast on the Internet and unencrypted on Canal +. The opportunity to look back on what has changed in his life since his time in the “Star Academy”. She notably explained that she has difficulty achieving the success of her title Summer Body. “Everything happens very quickly and I don’t have much time to understand it all, to become aware of it all. But I know that the day I direct it, I’ll find it great”she notes.

To the question: “Almost a year after your first steps in the “Star Ac” castle, are you nostalgic? »Héléna confirmed her feeling: “I’m nostalgic for anything. Basically, it’s part of my personality to be there all the time for whatever reason, so obviously an adventure like “Star Ac”, yes it makes me nostalgic. It’s time to also leave this adventure behind me and make way for the new ones”she explained as the new season of TF1 telecrochet will begin this Saturday, October 12.

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The questions continued to come. “What was it like to live for three months without a phone? »was asked of the singer in the Canal+ module. “It was great. Honestly, I loved the experiencereplied the person concerned. I would like to reiterate it all the time because it is good for morale, in the spirit, in the head. We feel better when we don’t see what is constantly being said about us because I admit that now, since I came out, I have become a little addicted to what people say about me. When I go on Insta or Twitter, or anywhere, I see my first name and people giving their opinions on what I do. Sometimes it’s very nice and sometimes less so, frankly, living without a phone is great.”

“Some people cry when they see me”

Helena Bailly

Héléna Bailly, nominated for the NRJ Music Awards for her title Summer Bodyalso spoke about what fame has changed in her personal life. “It has changed completelyshe admits. The fact that I am no longer at home all the time, that some people recognize me in the street, that some people cry when they see me, that too is very impressive. I try to keep my feet on the ground as much as possible, but I think I manage to do that quietly. »



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