Émilien notes an error in a question from 12 strokes of noon, Jean-Luc Reichmann justifies himself

Émilien notes an error in a question from 12 strokes of noon, Jean-Luc Reichmann justifies himself
Émilien notes an error in a question from 12 strokes of noon, Jean-Luc Reichmann justifies himself

During the “Fatal Coup” round, Émilien noted that an error had crept into a question asked by Jean-Luc Reichmann on Tuesday, October 8. The champion of 12 shots of noon insisted on correcting it.

Son “computer” spots all the errors. Unbeatable since September 25, 2023, Émilien, the champion of 12 shots of noontriumphed once again this Tuesday, October 8. Fully focused on a game that “continue to liven it up“, the young man who will soon celebrate his 22nd birthday even corrected a question containing an error during the “Fatal Coup” round. Even if he managed to find the right answer, the candidate still wanted to ask for explanations following this little “shell.

I said that hesitantly“: Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) finds an answer… even though the question is not correct!

The slight blunder happened during the first question asked by the host. “Which little girl from a novel was created by Sophie Lindgren?“, was the title of it. If the champion from Vendée initially pouted, he ended up responding Pippi Longstocking. “He went looking for that one far away“, Zette laughed. And since Émilien has an answer to everything, even when it’s not a question, he wanted to rectify the situation. “I said that hesitantly because for me, her name was not Sophie. I didn’t have anything better to offer so I said that anyway.“, he retorted. And in fact, the author’s first name was Astrid and not Sophie! “Maybe she’s like Bartholdi and she has two first names“, he however wanted to put things into perspective.

I’m going to sit down again“: Jean-Luc Reichmann continues to be amazed by Emilien, the champion of 12 shots of noon

Faced with such knowledge, the TF1 host could only bow. “I’m going to sit down again. This is where it gets crazy“, he began by saying. As to err is human, the latter wanted to not overwhelm the people who work on the show. “I will always defend my teams. From time to time there may be typoshe admitted, before paying tribute to the one who has shared his stage for more than a year, but you give the right answer to the wrong question, I say well done Émilien.”



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