“For us, TV is a person in its own right”

This is the fourth season of “Seen on TV” for the Brussels couple. Together for thirty years, Olivier and Pierre don’t mince their words when they don’t like a host. Proof in interview!

RTL Belgium
Published on 06/10/2024 at 06:00
By Michaël Hess


Did you easily accept “As Seen on TV”?

Olivier: It’s a gift from heaven! I was immediately hooked on the show because chatting in front of the TV is a great family tradition: my father always yelled at the TV while watching it and I too am too talkative in front of the screen.

Pierre: I confirm! (Laughs.) The first thing we do in the morning is turn on the TV. With us, she is a whole person. But I get a lot less angry than Olivier.

How do you prepare for filming?

Olivier: As our sofa is black and our apartment is rather dark, we make sure to add a little color to our outfits during filming. We take particular care to share the image of a gay couple in place. We avoid being in caricature.

Pierre: We hope that our participation will shake things up a little. We want to show perhaps lonely gay people in small towns that we can love each other.

What makes you excited about a program?

Pierre: What horrifies me are the interviews with political figures, the debates where they repeat the same things.

Olivier: I can get angry at the evolution of a game like “Koh-Lanta”, where I scream at rotten strategies. I can watch “The Voice” and start crying because the emotion overwhelms me. We love Léa Salamé in “What a time! “.


Bénédicte introduces us to Marina, her new partner in “Seen on TV”: “She is excessive in everything”

Among the new back-to-school items, which one stood out to you?

Pierre: The arrival of Théo Curin as host of “Slam”. I find him charming.

Olivier: Cyril Féraud’s personality can divide us.

Pierre: Oh no, no, I don’t like him either. I watched “Everyone wants to take their place” with Jarry but since Cyril Féraud succeeded him, it’s over.

Olivier: We see his face too much and I think he has an oversized ego. He’s the fake cool guy on TV.

Do hosts zap you directly?

Olivier: Pascal Praud on CNews is unbearable in his always borderline, outrageous, vulgar comments. He is a very painful character. But the one who annoys me the most at the moment is Christophe Dechavanne.

Pierre: He is no longer in tune with the times, he is outdated, he interrupts people all the time.

Do you ever see the other participants of “Seen on TV”?

Olivier: During an event, we met Muriel and Bénédicte, who are essential, Valérie and Rachel, who are our little darlings. Even though we are part of the program, seeing them in real life impressed us.

“Seen on TV”, October 6, 7:50 p.m., RTL-TVI.

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