Lost from sight: 2 found Geyrald from the 1st French Boys Band “G Squad” – He last appeared in 2009 in a book, posing naked, to present his new life as an artist – Video

Camille Lellouche was this week invited to Télématin for the release of her new film, and the two presenters Flavie Flament and Julien Arnaud wanted to offer her a gift. Knowing that the actress was a fan of the GSquad and in love with Geyrald, one of the members of the BoysBand from the 90s, they wanted to find him so that he could give her a little surprise wink.

You will see in the video above that at first, Camille Lelouch does not recognize him then lets out a cry when she understands who it is:

“But no! It’s the best gift anyone could give me! I didn’t recognize him but I was crazy about him at the time!”

It must be said that it has been several years since we last saw the singer. After the Boys Band period, he had in fact disappeared before reappearing in 2009 for the publication of a photo book where he appeared on the cover and inside, completely naked, explaining his desire to live far away, close to the natural and completely naked.

Since then, no more news, until this new appearance in Télématin this week, under his full name of Gérald Jean Laurent, and a message posted 48 hours ago in which he seems to have announced his return to !

For the record, G SQUAD was the first French boy band created at the end of summer 1996. “Raide dingue de toi”, but also “No fille au monde” or “Babe” took the top spots in the Top. G SQUAD’s self-titled debut album sold more than 200,000 copies.

Gérald left the group before the release of the second opus “Need de vous”, leaving Chris, Mika and Marlon to continue the adventure as a threesome. An adventure that ended short, since the trio definitively threw in the towel in 1998, two years after the creation of the boyband.

Gérald subsequently became D’Geyrald then D’Gey, riding the boyband wave for a while, with a first solo single “Every day”, in 1998.

Ln November 25, 2009, he published a book of more than 150 photos, for which he decided to pose totally naked.. D Geyald explains the reasons for his choice:

“With the rugby players’ calendar, nudity and fantasies about the male body have become politically correct, and especially accessible in mass distribution. Nude photos are never vulgar, but rather artistic. It’s true, I I didn’t have to show everything, but nothing stopped me from doing so either.”

On France 2, this week, the singer appeared on the air fully dressed!”




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