Why did Yann Moix wear sunglasses in “Pascale, Éric, Yann and the others”?

Why did Yann Moix wear sunglasses in “Pascale, Éric, Yann and the others”?
Why did Yann Moix wear sunglasses in “Pascale, Éric, Yann and the others”?

VIDEO – The writer and columnist of the C8 talk show appeared on Wednesday evening wearing a pair of dark glasses. On several occasions, he put drops in his eyes.

But what happened to Yann Moix ? On Wednesday, the writer appeared on “Pascale, Éric, Yann et les autres” on C8 with a pair of sunglasses. From the first minutes of the show, Pascale from La Tour du Pin couldn’t help but stifle a laugh when he discovered his columnist putting on eye drops. “Excuse me, I’m laughing, I’ll explain… Did you see?”she asked, pointing to Yann Moix on her left.

“Pascale, it’s time for my drops.”the latter lamented, his eyes moist. “I think he did everything to me”added the always hilarious journalist and presenter before asking: “How are you, Yann?”. “I’m like a guy who just got out of the operating room.”he replied. Pascale de La Tour du Pin then turned to Éric Naulleau to ask how he was. “It’s better than Yann”he joked.

Also read“You’re going far”: Pascale de la Tour du Pin puts Yann Moix and Éric Naulleau back in her new show on C8

Seeing Yann Moix continue to put drops in his eyes, the journalist preferred to reveal to viewers the reasons for his health concerns. “Yann had a minor surgical procedure, he’s here so he’s fine.”she stressed. “As long as the others don’t comehe retorted. In fact, I prefer to come here in a slap-up than to see the others come, whose names I will not mention.”

“The good news is that it was a small operation, the bad news is that I did it and I am not very qualified, hence the repeated use of drops.”Eric Naulleau then joked. “So we’re going to allow, if you like, Yann to wear his sunglasses because on TV sets, the light is very dense, very strong and when you come out of surgery…”continued Pascale de La Tour du Pin before resuming the normal course of the show.



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