“It’s the only way…”: Why did the plaintiff in the Auradou-Jégou case not want to hand over her phone to the courts?

By Thomas Martin | Editor

A great sports fan, he likes to know what is hidden in the lives of athletes, but does not neglect movie or song stars. After a long journey in the great Canadian north, he returned more determined than ever to see what was going on among the celebrities of and elsewhere.

This is one of the key elements of this investigation and yet the complainant refuses to hand over her phone to the Argentine public prosecutor. In an interview with “Le Parisien”, the woman who filed a complaint against Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou explained the reasons behind this categorical refusal.

“It’s the only way…”: Why did the plaintiff in the Auradou-Jégou case not want to hand over her phone to the courts?

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While Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou’s camp seems increasingly confident of a positive outcome, the complainant, who accuses the two French rugby players of raping her, has decided to speak out in the French press. In this case, Maria, 39 years old and two children, is fighting for justice to be done and she assures us that she was the victim of several rapes. “I did not consent to any act that took place in that room. I wanted to leave immediately. I told him clearly several times. He shook his head and then raped me. The same thing happened when the second (Oscar Jegou) entered the room.”she said this Monday, September 23, in an interview given to Parisian.

The alleged victim of the French rugby players, who tried to end her life a few weeks ago, is not giving up and for more than two months now, the two camps have been opposing the story of the events of that night of July 6 to 7, in Mendoza, Argentina. The existence of intimate photos and videos taken during that night is much talked about and the Argentine public prosecutor has asked the complainant to hand over her personal phone. A request refused by the latter, as she explains in the interview. “This is the the only means of communication I have with my eldest sonwho lives in Buenos Aires. I have all the pictures of my children and my family in it, and my daughter’s favorite games. I have nothing to hide.”she says.

Argentine defense lawyer singled out

Another important element according to the one who decided to break the silence and respond to those who accuse her of lying, the defense lawyer of Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou, Rafael Cuneo Libarona. Brother of the current Minister of Justice in Argentina, the complainant seems to be wary of him. “I’m not going not leave my phone in Cuneo Libarona for him to investigate about things that have nothing to do with the facts and discloses information about my personal life”she adds.

While Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou have returned to France and the former has been well received for his return to training with his club , the plaintiff still hopes that the French will be convicted in this case. “They raped me, assaulted me and treated me like a piece of meat. A dismissal is possible since money can buy silence. I am not afraid that they will also sue me (for defamation), because they are the guilty ones. The harm they have done to me is irreparable.”she insists.

For your information, you should know that handing over your cell phone to the justice authorities takes a few hours and that it is of course forbidden to take text messages, SMS or photos or even private information that has nothing to do with the justice requisition…

The interview with the complainant in the Auradou-Jégou case is to be found in full on the website of Parisian.

Oscar Jégou and Hugo Auradou remain presumed innocent of the facts with which they are charged until the case is closed by the courts.



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