Meghan Markle, “a bad boss”? This investigation opened by Buckingham Palace

Meghan Markle, “a bad boss”? This investigation opened by Buckingham Palace
Meghan Markle, “a bad boss”? This investigation opened by Buckingham Palace

While several former employees have criticized Meghan Markle’s behavior, Buckingham Palace had already investigated a few years ago…

A few years ago, Meghan Markle was singled out for her behavior with her employees. Indeed, several members of her staff have already complained about her attitude when she lived in England. And it seems to be happening again in the United States… The recent resignation of Josh Kettler, who only lasted three months as chief of staff, helped to revive the rumors. Indeed, the man had decided to leave his post in the face of the demanding and uncontrollable behavior of Prince Harry’s wife. This is not the first time that members of his team have complained about his attitude. Indeed, Buckingham Palace had opened an investigation in 2018 for “tyrannical behavior”.

If the results of this investigation had not been made public, Meghan Markle had rejected these allegations explaining that she was the subject of a “calculated smear campaign”. The “Hollywood Reporter” published an investigation this week into “the character of the difficult duchess”. The American press speaks of recurring tensions with the members of her team. According to a source close to the couple “everyone is terrified of Meghan… She puts people down, she doesn’t listen to advice. They both make bad decisions, they often change their minds. Harry is a very, very charming person, he doesn’t seem like it at all, but he is very close. And she is just terrible”, we can…

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