Faustine Bollaert talks about the complex animation of It Starts Today

Faustine Bollaert talks about the complex animation of It Starts Today
Faustine Bollaert talks about the complex animation of It Starts Today

How do you reinvent yourself when you start the eighth season of a show like Ça commence aujourd’hui? Do you add constraints to make things more difficult?

Faustine Bollaert No, but I “rediscovered” animation a little through the radio, since the recordings of HeroFor RTLstarted before those of It starts today. On Télévisions, I represent the public service – I must never forget that – which sometimes forces me to constrain myself, in a certain way, when I discuss sensitive subjects. RTLI am constantly pushed to show more of my personality. I feel more natural there. I am freed from the image. There is greater intimacy. I receive guests one-on-one… All this has opened up perspectives for me. My TV producers have also encouraged me to move towards this spontaneity. This will not have any consequences on the themes discussed, but I think that on screen, it shows. This summer, during my vacation in France, I noticed again my closeness with people. I feel like I live in a big village where everyone knows me. I am like a friend, a confidante…

With this new program, Herowhich you have been presenting since the end of August, you went back to school before your children. How did things come about? Did you come up with the concept or did someone come looking for you?

With RTLwe had been in discussions for a long time. And then, the planets aligned. They had this desire for testimonies, to tell stories, which is our common DNA. I work with the same production as It starts today and, just like on television, I want something very bright to emerge from these interviews.

How Faustine Bollaert manages her busy schedule

Will we hear guests who have already appeared in It starts today ?

Except in exceptional cases, no. And even then, it could be a person who was interviewed on the show, but on a completely different subject. The idea, with RTL is that Hero works on the radio, but…

Read more on Télé 7 Jours

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