Her tackle on Michel Barnier, her mourning, her 90th birthday… Brigitte Bardot opens up like never before: News

Her tackle on Michel Barnier, her mourning, her 90th birthday… Brigitte Bardot opens up like never before: News
Her tackle on Michel Barnier, her mourning, her 90th birthday… Brigitte Bardot opens up like never before: News

Brigitte Bardot, a few days before her 90th birthday, which she will celebrate on September 28, spoke in a lengthy interview with Parisian Friday and spoke in particular about the difficult times she has been through recently.

She’s not in the mood to party. Brigitte Bardot, who will be 90 on September 28, is thinking about celebrating her birthday in style or on the sly. For now, “BB” has not “want to laugh”she confided to the Parisian Friday, September 20. In recent weeks, she has experienced difficult times and gone through bereavements that have affected her greatly. She lost her friend Alain Delon, but that’s not all. “I am in deep mourning. I lost my dog, my cat, Alain, and my friend Paul Watson is in prison.” Hard knocks that don’t necessarily make you want to see people, but she might make an exception for the occasion.

When we talk to her about her 90th birthday, Brigitte Bardot has a few ideas that revolve around the fight that has occupied and still occupies her whole life: that for the animal cause. “For my birthday, I would like to be offered the great victory that I have been asking for for fifty years: we must stop the horse meat trade.”she explained. Without much hope, she nevertheless launched an appeal to the government on this subject: should give it to me for my 90th birthday, I deserve it.”

Brigitte Bardot pays Michel Barnier

Speaking of government. Brigitte Bardot has her opinion on Michel Barnier’s actions so far, and she gave it to the Parisian in a… subtle way, by slipping in a well-felt little tackle. When talking about the situation of his friend Paul Watson, the environmental activist in prison in Greenland, “BB” said that detention was too difficult for a 73-year-old man. 73 is also the age of the French Prime Minister, but, in Brigitte Bardot’s opinion, “There is one who does much more good things than the other”.

published on September 20 at 5:53 p.m., Maeliss Innocenti, 6Medias




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