“If I were single again…”: this statement from Julia Vignali that will surprise even Kad Merad

“If I were single again…”: this statement from Julia Vignali that will surprise even Kad Merad
“If I were single again…”: this statement from Julia Vignali that will surprise even Kad Merad

Being constantly referred to your relationship is frankly not pleasant. Julia Vignali knows something about it. In each of her interviews, the question of her romance with Kad Merad comes up. It must be said that they had a crush on live television, so, of course, their fans want to follow their love story as closely as possible.

As much as he was funny before he met me, I was doing stuff before I met him too, so luckily, I exist without my partner. And I think that’s one of the things he liked about me too.“, Julia Vignali finally let slip on RTL. Nevertheless, she agreed to make an exception for Pasteurdon, which made the host of Affaire conclue and her husband its godmother and godfather for an awareness campaign and appeal for donations for the Pasteur Institute.

Julia Vignali, proud that her relationship with Kad Merad can “serve an essential cause

When you are a media coupleone of the great pleasures in life is to be of use“, she rejoices this Thursday, September 19 on the set of Buzz TV from Le Figaro. And to add: “I am extremely flattered when I am asked – alone or as a couple – for such causes. It is an honor.“When she was contacted to participate with her husband, Julia Vignali did not hesitate for a single second.

When the Pasteur Institute calls you and says: ‘We would like this couple that you represent to be godparents’, frankly, it’s great and there’s not a moment where you say to yourself ‘Well no’“, she explains. And she enthuses: “This couple can be useful.
The couple’s fame can be used for an essential cause which is research in different fields, particularly this year in the field of women’s health – which particularly affects me – and the mother-child bond.

The man of her life…” : Julia Vignali’s touching declaration of love to Kad Merad

Above all, she took advantage of a question to ask a very pretty declaration of love to Kad Merad. It all started after the mention of the launch of the Golden Bachelor.We obviously don’t wish it on you, but you, at 60 years old and single, would you take part in the Golden Bachelor?“, asked Damien Canivez. The person concerned’s response was not long in coming.”If I were single again, I would stay single.” she assures.

And to insist: “Sincerely. Because
When you meet the man of your life, you stay with that memory.“A sentence that must have touched Kad Merad right in the heart. But even if she had not crossed paths with her actor husband, Julia Vignali imagines that she would not have participated in this type of show.”I love watching but participating… no” she concludes.



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