Africa CDC launches response plan for MPOX outbreak

Africa CDC launches response plan for MPOX outbreak

In an attempt to contain the mpox epidemic on the continent, Africa CDC has just set up a preparedness and response plan. A strategy centered in particular around coordination, surveillance, and vaccination.

Africa CDC intends in particular to promote the harmonization of the response on a continental scale by setting up a coordination mechanism. It is launching a ten-pillar strategy to contain the mpox epidemic with a central point: supporting and involving local communities.

The goal of this plan for these communities is to put into practice the main recommendations in terms of public health. Africa CDC also wishes to involve them so that their points of view and the realities they face are taken into account in the response strategy.

Prevention campaign

The plan also calls for improved surveillance. It says it wants to strengthen the testing and sequencing capacities of laboratories by training staff and providing equipment.

Concerning vaccinationthe most exposed people will be vaccinated first. The aim is to broaden the spectrum in a second phase, by carrying out a proactive prevention and vaccination campaign.



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