Everything you need to know about the moon sign in astrology

Everything you need to know about the moon sign in astrology

Still disappointed with your astrological profile and horoscopes? We bet you simply don’t know what your moon sign is. Far from being an astrological detail, it says a lot about your personality.

“I have my Moon in Scorpio, like Beyoncé and Stéphane Bern,” your colleague confided to you seriously yesterday. If you have no idea what the moon sign is, that’s normal. Much less popular than its big brother the sun sign (the one you call your astrological sign), your moon sign is an essential piece of data in astrology. How does it work? If you are an Aries, it means that the Sun was in the constellation of Aries at the time of your birth. And if the Moon was in the constellation of Leo, then this is your moon sign. This is nothing more and nothing less than the key information concerning your emotional life and your emotional needs. We explain how to calculate it and what it means.

Read also >> Why you should (also) read your moon sign’s horoscope

Moon Sign: How to Find Yours?

Unless you were born on the border of two zodiac signs, it is not necessary to do any calculation to know your astrological sign. On the other hand, for the lunar sign, it is more often the case. Unlike the Sun which goes around the zodiac in a year, the Moon, it achieves this feat in 28 days. It is possible that you were born just one minute before its change of constellation. But this small calculation requiring your time and place of birth is worth it. In Western astrology, the lunar sign is rich in…

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