The National Cancer Institute (INCa) wanted to raise awareness among the French about the impact that their behaviors can have on their health and their risk of developing cancer. During a campaign broadcast from August 19 to September 15, 2024, INCa made a test available: “My cancer prevention test” allows you to identify in your daily life the behaviors that expose you to avoidable risk factors for cancer. At the end of the test, you will benefit from personalized advice. As a bonus, thanks to artificial intelligence, and in line with the campaign’s signature “Make the right choices now, you’ll thank yourself later“, the user will be able to generate his portrait aged 30 years.
Nearly a third of French people (28.8%)1 think that nothing can be done to prevent illness
It cannot be said enough: each year, nearly half of cancers could be avoided by adopting simple behaviors and lifestyle habits on a daily basis. How? By limiting exposure to avoidable cancer risk factors: quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, adopting a varied and balanced diet and practicing regular physical activity.However, almost a third of French people (28.8%)1 think that nothing can be done to prevent the disease.“, deplores INCa. This is why, raising awareness among the population and informing them about what each person can put in place, (…)
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