the bet of no heating or air conditioning for this building

the bet of no heating or air conditioning for this building

An innovative building construction project takes root in Lyon

In Lyon, in the Confluence district, a building unique in France will see the light of day by 2026. A total of 11 buildings (buildings), designed by the Austrian architectural firm Baumschlager Eberle, will be built by the developer Nexity and delivered between 2026 and 2027. This project, called Essentiel 22-26, aims to guarantee an annual indoor temperature of between 22 and 26 degrees in its buildings throughout the year, without heating or air conditioning. This is the first time that a real estate project of this type has been launched in France. It has already been tested in Austria and Switzerland, and its results have so far been rather conclusive: The construction techniques used by the architects have made it possible to divide energy consumption by five, i.e. to obtain consumption of less than 9 kWh/m²/year.. No fear for the most chilly: The buildings of the Essentiel 22-26 project will remain connected to the Lyon district heating network to cope with possible temperature variations.

The 23 apartments in the first building, which will be built by the developer Nexity, will be offered at around 3,000 euros/m² via a real solidarity lease. The initiative is also supported by the Foncière Solidaire du Grand Lyon, which targets low-income households.

Bioclimatic architecture serving the energy transition

The unique feature of this joint real estate project by the developer Nexity and the architectural firm Baumschlager Eberle lies in its brick walls. These, 60 cm thick, will be covered with lime, a material capable of blocking the cold in winter, as well as the heat in summer.. In winter, it is the heat from the occupants and household appliances that heat the rooms.explains architect Mathias Bernhardt of the Baumschlager Eberle firm (AFP – BFMTV). WhileIn summer, natural ventilation and smart sensors will optimize air circulation.

This pioneering project is part of the dynamics of the energy transition and sustainable construction. By offering affordable and eco-responsible housing, Lyon is determined to pave the way for a new way of living in the city. Would you be tempted by one of these future homes?


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